RECLAIM YOUR NETWORK™Administrator’s GuideBarracuda Link BalancerBarracuda Networks Technical DocumentationVersion 2.2
4 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideVLAN SupportThe Barracuda Link Balancer supports Layer 2 VLANs.High AvailabilityThe Barracuda Link
Chapter 1: Introduction 5Site-to-Site VPN and Link FailoverYou can create a site-to-site VPN tunnel between two Barracuda Link Balancers or betw
6 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideLocal Network ServicesThe Barracuda Link Balancer includes the following local network services:•
Chapter 2: Installing the Barracuda Link Balancer 7Chapter 2Installing the Barracuda Link BalancerThis chapter provides instructions for install
8 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s Guide In Front of Firewall Figure 2.1 gives an example of a customer network that has both client and
Chapter 2: Installing the Barracuda Link Balancer 9• The Barracuda Link Balancer LAN IP address can be any internal or public address that is r
10 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s Guide Figure 2.4 shows the example network with a Barracuda Link Balancer installed and acting as a fi
Chapter 2: Installing the Barracuda Link Balancer 11In Front of Your Firewall Installation These detailed instructions describe how to deploy th
12 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideFigure 2.5: Front panel of a Barracuda Link Balancer with LAN portOtherwise, connect an Ethernet
Chapter 2: Installing the Barracuda Link Balancer 13Link Balancer, do not power off during an update or download. To view the progress of the do
Copyright NoticeCopyright 2004-2011, Barracuda Networkswww.barracuda.comv2.2-110503-01-0503All rights reserved. Use of this product and this manual is
14 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideIP address. If the latter, it should be on a different subnet than the LAN devices already on the
Chapter 2: Installing the Barracuda Link Balancer 15You do not need to update your existing firewall configuration unless you want to make it aw
16 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideFigure 2.7: Front panel of a Barracuda Link Balancer with LAN portOtherwise, connect an Ethernet
Chapter 2: Installing the Barracuda Link Balancer 17Link Balancer, do not power off during an update or download. To view the progress of the do
18 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideStep 7: Install in the Production NetworkNow that the Barracuda Link Balancer is configured, inst
Chapter 3: Configuring the Barracuda Link Balancer 19Chapter 3Configuring the Barracuda Link BalancerThis chapter describes the configuration ta
20 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideNew WAN links that are configured correctly are automatically used for outbound link balancing. F
Chapter 3: Configuring the Barracuda Link Balancer 21Creating IP AliasesYou can create virtual interfaces or IP aliases by associating an IP add
22 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideFirewall FunctionalityUsing 1:1 NAT and port forwarding rules, the Barracuda Link Balancer can pe
Chapter 3: Configuring the Barracuda Link Balancer 23If the Barracuda Link Balancer firewall is disabled, you can create a NAT rule to map the d
Chapter 2: iiiContentsChapter 1 – Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Overview . . . . . . . . . . .
24 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideCreating Custom ApplicationsUse the Policy > Applications page to view and define applications
Chapter 3: Configuring the Barracuda Link Balancer 25If you want to employ default link balancing policy, where the link with the greatest avail
26 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideSpecifying the Link Used by Outgoing Traffic... 26Changing the So
Chapter 3: Configuring the Barracuda Link Balancer 27originating from those addresses can go out without being NAT'ed. Depending on how the
28 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideFigure 3.1: Site-to-Site VPN The Services > VPN page displays all tunnels and their status. Yo
Chapter 3: Configuring the Barracuda Link Balancer 29Failover and FailbackWhen configuring a tunnel you can specify a primary and a backup link.
30 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s Guide• Use the tools on the Advanced > Troubleshooting page, ping the remote gateway and perform ot
Chapter 3: Configuring the Barracuda Link Balancer 31disrupted. A short TTL value for this record ensures that the cached address for the failed
32 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideStep 1 - Enable Authoritative DNS on the Barracuda Link BalancerGo to the Services > Authorita
Chapter 3: Configuring the Barracuda Link Balancer 33Step 3 - Set up DNS for Internal ClientsIf you have an internal DNS server, configure it to
iv Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuidePort Forwarding Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
34 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s Guide my IN NS ns1 my IN NS ns2 ns1 IN A 216.101.
Chapter 3: Configuring the Barracuda Link Balancer 35DNS RecordsDNS Records Generated when Creating a Domain When you create a domain on the Bar
36 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideSetting Email Addresses for Alerts ... 36Customi
Chapter 3: Configuring the Barracuda Link Balancer 37It is important that the time zone is set correctly because this information is used to coo
38 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s Guide
Chapter 4: Creating a High Availability Environment 39Chapter 4Creating a High Availability EnvironmentThis chapter describes how to create a hi
40 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideClustered Barracuda Link Balancers communicate according to the Virtual Router Redundancy Protoco
Chapter 4: Creating a High Availability Environment 41• Be activated and on the same version of firmware. The High Availability capability is on
42 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuidePlanning Your High Availability DeploymentExtra equipment may be needed to support the clustered
Chapter 4: Creating a High Availability Environment 43 In Front of Dual Network FirewallsFigure 4.4 shows two Barracuda Link Balancers and two c
Chapter 2: vChapter 5 – Monitoring the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Checking Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
44 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideNo External Firewalls Figure 4.5 shows two Barracuda Link Balancers with the firewall enabled. As
Chapter 4: Creating a High Availability Environment 45Step 1: Complete Installation Process for Both SystemsTo prepare the Barracuda Link Balanc
46 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideStep 4: Put in ProductionFrom now on, always use the VRRP virtual IP address to manage the Barrac
Chapter 5: Monitoring the System 47Chapter 5Monitoring the SystemThis chapter describes the tasks you can do to check on the performance of the
48 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideIf the Barracuda Link Balancer firewall is enabled, you can view the firewall log on the Logs >
Chapter 5: Monitoring the System 49SNMP TrapsAn SNMP trap is generated by the Barracuda Link Balancer SNMP agent every five minutes if one of th
50 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideThe Report Options section allows you to choose the criteria for compiling the report data, as we
Chapter 6: Maintaining the Barracuda Link Balancer 51Chapter 6Maintaining the Barracuda Link BalancerThis chapter describes how to maintain the
52 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideIn the event that a Barracuda Link Balancer fails and you cannot resolve the issue, customers tha
Chapter 6: Maintaining the Barracuda Link Balancer 53Using the Built-in Troubleshooting ToolsThe Advanced > Troubleshooting page provides var
vi Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s Guide
54 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideReboot OptionsTable 6.1 describes the options available at the reboot menu.Table 6.1: Reboot Opti
Chapter 7: 55Appendix ALimited Warranty and LicenseBarracuda Networks Limited Hardware Warranty (v 2.1)Barracuda Networks, Inc., or the Barracu
56 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s Guidemaintained in accordance with instructions supplied by Barracuda Networks, or (f) subjected to ab
Chapter 7: 57network where it could be utilized by multiple devices or copied. Unless otherwise expressly provided in the documentation, your u
Chapter 7: 5910. Trademarks. Certain portions of the product and names used in this Agreement, the Software and the documentation may constitut
60 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s Guide16. Subscriptions. Software updates and subscription information provided by Barracuda Energize
Chapter 7: 6159 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USAEveryone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license
62 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s Guideis covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having bee
Chapter 7: 63c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is al
Chapter 1: Introduction 1Chapter 1IntroductionThis chapter provides an overview of the Barracuda Link Balancer and includes the following topics
64 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideThis section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the res
Chapter 7: 65Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation." Barracud
Chapter 7: 67purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in
68 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s Guide6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service
Index - 69IndexNumerics1:1 NAT 4, 22Aadditional IP addressesin front of your firewall 13replacing your firewall 17Administration page 36, 48, 52alerts
70 - IndexStatus page 47system alerts email address 49TTask Manager page 50technical support, contacting 6testing memory 54time zone, setting 36Troubl
2 Barracuda Link Balancer Administrator’s GuideFigure 1.1: Barracuda Link Balancer FunctionalityAbout this GuideThis guide provides a general dis
Chapter 1: Introduction 3Link ManagementThe Barracuda Link Balancer can manage links that have static or dynamic (DHCP) IP addresses and can aut
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