Barracuda Networks Load Balancer Specifikace

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Barracuda Networks Inc.
3175 S. Winchester Blvd.
Campbell, CA 95008
Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s Guide
Version 2.3
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 75 76

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Strany 1 - Campbell, CA 95008

Barracuda Networks Inc.3175 S. Winchester Blvd.Campbell, CA 95008http://www.barracuda.comBarracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideVersion 2.3

Strany 2 - Trademarks

10 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideIntrusion Prevention SystemMany security technologies are integrated into the Barracuda Load Bala

Strany 3 - Contents

Introduction 11Figure 1.1: Barracuda Energize UpdatesAuto-DiscoverAll models of the Barracuda Load Balancer support Auto-Discovery of Real Servers

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12 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideCookie persistence is not available if using the Direct Server Return (DSR) mode of deployment un

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Introduction 13 High AvailabilityWith simple setup through the Web administrative interface, the Barracuda Load Balancer supports High Availability

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14 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s Guide

Strany 7 - Introduction

Load Balancing Concepts 15Chapter 2Load Balancing ConceptsThis chapter provides an overview of the Barracuda Load Balancer and includes the following

Strany 8 - Overview

16 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideBarracuda Load Balancer TerminologyThe following is a list of some of the terms used by the Barra

Strany 9 - Easy Setup and Maintenance

Load Balancing Concepts 17Figure 2.1: A logical network layout using Route-PathPhysical Network A group of systems that are physically connected to

Strany 10 - Intrusion Prevention System

18 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideFigure 2.2: A physical network layout using Route-Path

Strany 11 - Layer 7 Cookie Persistence

Load Balancing Concepts 19Load Balancer Deployment OptionsServices on the Barracuda Load Balancer can be deployed in the following three modes:Rout

Strany 12 - SSL Offloading / Acceleration

ii Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideCopyright NoticeCopyright 2004-2008, Barracuda Networkswww.barracuda.comv2.3-081015All rights res

Strany 13 - Last Resort Server

20 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideFigure 2.3: Sample Route-Path network layoutDeploying Route-PathIn the Route-Path method of deplo

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Load Balancing Concepts 21If you need to remotely administer your Real Servers individually then you should create new Services, each of which only

Strany 15 - Load Balancing Concepts

22 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideFigure 2.4: Sample Bridge-Path network layoutDeploying Bridge-PathIn Bridge-Path mode, the Real S

Strany 16 - Term Description

Load Balancing Concepts 23through their own interfaces. This implementation requires enabling a non-ARPing loopback adapter, a feature that can be

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24 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s Guideflat network and have to access databases on other subnets, or if the Real Servers are on the sam

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Load Balancing Concepts 25DSR with Route-Path or Bridge-PathThe Barracuda Load Balancer supports deployment of multiple Services simultaneously, bu

Strany 19 - Route-Path (Recommended)

26 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s Guideto a series of switches that eventually reach the WAN port of the Load Balancer without going thr

Strany 20 - Deploying Route-Path

Load Balancing Concepts 27listen <virtual_ip_address>:80listen <real_ip_address>:80where:<virtual_ip_address> is the Virtual IP

Strany 21 - Bridge-Path

28 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s Guide

Strany 22 - Direct Server Return

Getting Started 29Chapter 3Getting StartedThis chapter provides general instructions for installing, configuring and maintaining the Barracuda Load B

Strany 23 - Load Balancing Concepts 23

iiiContentsChapter 1 – Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Strany 24 - Advantages Disadvantages

30 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideInitial SetupThese are the general steps to set up your Barracuda Load Balancer. For more detaile

Strany 25 - Load Balancing Concepts 25

Getting Started 31Connecting the Barracuda Load Balancer to the Network1. Fasten the Barracuda Load Balancer to a standard 19-inch rack or other st

Strany 26 - Deployment Notes

32 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideThe User Confirmation Requested window displays the current IP configuration of the Barracuda Loa

Strany 27 - Verifying DSR Deployment

Getting Started 33To configure the Barracuda Load Balancer:1. From a Web browser, enter the IP address of the Barracuda Load Balancer followed by a

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34 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideTime on the Barracuda Load Balancer is automatically updated via NTP (Network Time Protocol). It

Strany 29 - Getting Started

Getting Started 353.The Barracuda Load Balancer should arrive with the Energize Updates (and Instant Replacement where applicable) subscription alr

Strany 30 - Initial Setup

36 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideAdministrative SettingsThis section covers the basic administrative settings for your Barracuda L

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Getting Started 37In order to only allow secured connections when accessing the Web administration interface, you need to supply a digital SSL cert

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38 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideMaintaining the Barracuda Load BalancerThis section describes how to manage and maintain your Bar

Strany 33 - IP address

Getting Started 39If your Barracuda Load Balancers are not in High Availability mode, applying a new firmware version results in a temporary loss o

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iv Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideCreating Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Strany 35 - Creating Services

40 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideUsing the Built-in Troubleshooting ToolsThe Advanced > Troubleshooting page provides various t

Strany 36 - Administrative Settings

Getting Started 41Reboot OptionsTable 3.2 describes the options available at the reboot menu.Table 3.2: Reboot OptionsReboot Options DescriptionBar

Strany 37 - Getting Started 37

42 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s Guide

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Managing the Barracuda Load Balancer 43Chapter 4Managing the Barracuda Load BalancerThis chapter describes the configuration, monitoring, and managem

Strany 39 - Replacing a Failed System

44 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideConfiguring the Barracuda Load BalancerThis section describes the configuration tasks you can per

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Managing the Barracuda Load Balancer 45application that uses a wide range of ports. Otherwise, you would have to configure a Service for each port.

Strany 41 - Reboot Options Description

46 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideEnabling PersistenceThe Barracuda Load Balancer supports session persistence using one of the fol

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Managing the Barracuda Load Balancer 47SSL OffloadingThe Barracuda Load Balancer is able to perform decryption and encryption of SSL traffic to red

Strany 43 - Chapter 4

48 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s Guide• Number of Windows Terminal Server sessions, determined by an SNMP query. In order to use this

Strany 44 - Creating a Service

Managing the Barracuda Load Balancer 49In Weighted Least Connections, the Barracuda Load Balancer considers the number of live connections that eac

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vBarracuda Load Balancer 640 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Back Panel of the Barracuda Load Balancer

Strany 46 - Enabling Persistence

50 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideBefore joining two systems together, each Barracuda Load Balancer must meet the following require

Strany 47 - Selecting a Scheduling Policy

Managing the Barracuda Load Balancer 51Leave the LAN IP Address and LAN Netmask blank. If the backup unit has to take over, it will use the LAN IP

Strany 48 - Scheduling Policies

52 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideData Propagated to Clustered SystemsClustering systems provides redundant coverage of the propaga

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Managing the Barracuda Load Balancer 53Monitoring the Barracuda Load BalancerThis section describes the monitoring tasks you can perform from the W

Strany 50 - Operation of HA

54 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideThe following table describes the various health indicators displayed for Real Servers.Viewing Pe

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SNMP MIB 55Appendix ASNMP MIBThe Barracuda Load Balancer supports SNMP version 1.Barracuda-REF DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTIT

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56 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s Guide 3175 S. Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 " DESCR

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Barracuda Load Balancer Hardware 57Appendix BBarracuda Load Balancer HardwareThis appendix provides hardware information for the Barracuda Load Balan

Strany 54 - Viewing System Tasks

58 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideFront Panel of the Barracuda Load BalancerFigure B.1 and Figure B.2 illustrate the front panels f

Strany 55 - SNMP MIB

Barracuda Load Balancer Hardware 59Barracuda Load Balancer 640Figure B.2 shows the front components as described in Table B.2.Table B.2 describes t

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vi Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s Guide

Strany 57 - Appendix B

60 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideBack Panel of the Barracuda Load BalancerFigure B.3 illustrates the back panel for all models.Bar

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Barracuda Load Balancer Hardware 61Hardware ComplianceThis section contains compliance information for the Barracuda Load Balancer hardware.Notice

Strany 59 - Barracuda Load Balancer 640

62 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s Guide

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Limited Warranty and License 63Appendix CLimited Warranty and LicenseLimited WarrantyBarracuda Networks, Inc., or the Barracuda Networks, Inc. subsid

Strany 61 - Hardware Compliance

64 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideExclusions and RestrictionsThis limited warranty does not apply to Barracuda Networks products th

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Limited Warranty and License 653. You may not transfer, rent, lease, lend, or sublicense the Barracuda Software.4. This License is effective until

Strany 63 - Limited Warranty and License


Strany 64 - Software License


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68 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideRestricted Rights. Barracuda Networks' commercial software and commercial computer software

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Limited Warranty and License 69Open Source LicensingBarracuda products may include programs that are covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL

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Introduction 7Chapter 1IntroductionThis chapter provides an overview of the Barracuda Load Balancer and includes the following topics:• Overview on

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70 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s Guide c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it

Strany 69 - Open Source Licensing

Limited Warranty and License 71if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.Thi

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72 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideBarracuda Products may contain programs that are copyright (c)1995-2005 International Business Ma

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Limited Warranty and License 73means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, includin

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74 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s Guidethat a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page&q

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Index - 75AAdaptive Scheduling 47, 48administration interfacelogging in 33Administration page 36, 39, 54alerts 54Bback panel details 60backing up conf

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76 - Indexreplacing failed system 39RESET button, using 39restarting the system 39restoring configuration 38Route-Path 16SScheduling policy 16Server F

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8 Barracuda Load Balancer Administrator’s GuideOverviewOrganizations use load balancers to distribute traffic across a set of servers in their ne

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Introduction 9Features of the Barracuda Load BalancerThe Barracuda Load Balancer is designed with the following features:Load balancing for all IP-

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