Barracuda Networks NG FIREWALL 5.0.3 Instalační příručka

Procházejte online nebo si stáhněte Instalační příručka pro Sítě Barracuda Networks NG FIREWALL 5.0.3. Barracuda Networks NG FIREWALL 5.0.3 Installation guide [en] Uživatelská příručka

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Shrnutí obsahu

Strany 2 - Trademarks

10 Release and Migration Notes - Bugfixes Included with Barracuda NG Firewall 5.0.3Bugfixes Included with Barracuda NG Firewall 5.0.3Barracuda NG Ad

Strany 3 - Release and Migration Notes

11 Release and Migration Notes - Bugfixes Included with Barracuda NG Firewall 5.0.3FirewallThe detection of large packet sizes (PMTU discovery) did

Strany 4

12 Release and Migration Notes - Bugfixes Included with Barracuda NG Firewall 5.0.3

Strany 5 - GPL Compliance Statement

13 Release and Migration Notes - Determine Your Update ScenarioDetermine Your Update ScenarioIf you are going to update firmware version 4.2 to Barr

Strany 6 - Minimum System Requirements

14 Release and Migration Notes - Determine Your Update ScenarioBefore beginning the updating process, you should clarify which types of hardware and

Strany 7 - Known Issues

15 Release and Migration Notes - Updating Unmanaged Units or NG Control CentersUpdating Unmanaged Units or NG Control CentersUpdating Units or NG Co

Strany 8 - Update Matrix

16 Release and Migration Notes - Updating HA-Synced Units or HA-Synced NG Control CentersUpdating HA-Synced Units or HA-Synced NG Control CentersIn

Strany 9 - Software Modules

17 Release and Migration Notes - Updating HA-Synced Units or HA-Synced NG Control CentersProceed after having assured that the HA unit is fully func

Strany 10 - Barracuda NG Firewall

18 Release and Migration Notes - Updating NG Control Center Managed UnitsUpdating NG Control Center Managed UnitsTo make use of the multi-release ca

Strany 11 - Module Description

19 Release and Migration Notes - Updating NG Control Center Managed UnitsNo more interaction with the unit is necessary. Wait until the update is fi

Strany 12

Copyright NoticeCopyright © 2004-2011, Barracuda Networks, Inc., 3175 S. Winchester Blvd, Campbell, CA 95008 USAwww.barracuda.comv5.0.3-110621-01-0621

Strany 13

20 Release and Migration Notes - Migrating from phion netfence to Barracuda NG Firewall 5.0.3Migrating from phion netfence to Barracuda NG Firewall

Strany 14 - Combined with HA Unit

21 Release and Migration Notes - Updating Standard Hardware from 4.2.x to 5.0.3Updating Standard Hardware from 4.2.x to 5.0.3GeneralDue to a kernel

Strany 15 - Step 2: Update

22 Release and Migration Notes - Updating Standard Hardware from 4.2.x to 5.0.3Step 2: Generate the Mapping Data• Log-in to the unit via ssh as root

Strany 18

Release and Migration NotesContentGeneral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5G

Strany 19

Release and Migration Notes

Strany 20

5 Release and Migration Notes - GeneralGeneralGPL Compliance StatementThis product is in part Linux based and contains both Barracuda Networks propr

Strany 21 - Updating Procedure

6 Release and Migration Notes - GeneralSupported HardwareMinimum System RequirementsTable 1–1 Barracuda Networks Appliances Supported By Barracuda N

Strany 22 - Step 4: Proceed to the Update

7 Release and Migration Notes - GeneralKnown IssuesAdvice about known issues is available at or through the Barracuda Networks sup

Strany 23

8 Release and Migration Notes - Updates with Firmware 5.0 Minor Release 3Updates with Firmware 5.0 Minor Release 3Update MatrixTable 1–4 Update matr

Strany 24

9 Release and Migration Notes - Updates with Firmware 5.0 Minor Release 3Software Modules and Components Affected by Minor Release 5.0.3Table 1–5 Af

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