1Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s Guide
Barracuda Spam Firewall Models10 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideBarracuda Spam Firewall ModelsThe Barracuda Spam Firewall comes in four models.
Chapter 1 Introduction 11Locating Information in this DocumentLocating Information in this DocumentRefer to the following table to locate informati
Locating Information in this Document12 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideADVANCED TabEmail Protocol Checking Setting Email Protocol Checking on pa
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Barracuda Spam Firewall 13Chapter 2 Setting Up the Barracuda Spam FirewallTo set up your Barracuda Spam Firewall, follow t
Setting the System IP Address14 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideSetting the System IP AddressThe Barracuda Spam Firewall is given a default IP ad
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Barracuda Spam Firewall 15Configuring the Barracuda Spam Firewall3. Go to the BASIC-->IP Configuration page and enter t
Configuring your Corporate Firewall and Updating Firmware16 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s Guide5. Go to the BASIC-->Administration page and do th
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Barracuda Spam Firewall 17Routing your Incoming Email by Modifying MX Records3. Upgrade the firmware on the Barracuda Spam
Installation Examples18 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideInstallation ExamplesThis section provides example installation types you can reference t
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Barracuda Spam Firewall 19Installation ExamplesBarracuda Spam Firewall in Front of Corporate FirewallThe figure below show
2 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideCopyrightCopyright 2004, Barracuda Networkswww.barracudanetworks.comAll rights reserved. Use of this product a
Installation Examples20 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s Guide
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 21Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam FirewallThis chapter describes how to manage and configure y
Viewing System Status and Statistics22 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideViewing System Status and StatisticsThis section contains the following to
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 23Viewing System Status and StatisticsViewing System StatisticsThe BASIC-->Status page provides e
Monitoring and Classifying Incoming Messages24 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideMonitoring and Classifying Incoming MessagesOn a regular basis you
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 25Monitoring and Classifying Incoming MessagesClassifying Messages from the Administration Interface
Monitoring and Classifying Incoming Messages26 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideClassifying Messages From Mail ClientsEnd users can classify their
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 27Monitoring and Classifying Incoming MessagesUnderstanding the Message LogThe following table descr
Configuring the Spam Settings28 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideConfiguring the Spam SettingsThe BASIC-->Spam Scoring page lets you modify the
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 29Enabling and Disabling Virus Checking and NotificationEnabling and Disabling Virus Checking and No
Contents 3ContentsChapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Overview . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Up Quarantine30 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideSpecifying the Quarantine Type The Quarantine Type determines if the Barracuda Spam Firew
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 31Setting Up QuarantineSpecifying the Per-User Quarantine SettingsThe following table describes the
Configuring System IP Information32 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideOverriding the Per-User Quarantine Account SettingsThe Per-User Quarantine Ac
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 33Controlling Access to the Administration InterfaceControlling Access to the Administration Interfa
Resetting and Shutting Down the System34 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideChanging the Web Interface Port and Session Expiration LengthThe followi
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 35Automating the Delivery of System ReportsResetting the System Using the Front PanelPressing the RE
Subscribing to Blacklist Services36 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideSubscribing to Blacklist ServicesThe BLOCK/ACCEPT-->External Blacklist pag
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 37Using the Block/Accept FiltersUsing the Block/Accept FiltersThe IP BLOCK/ACCEPT tab provides a wid
Using the Block/Accept Filters38 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideFiltering by Sender DomainThe BLOCK/ACCEPT-->Sender Domain Block/Accept page
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 39Using the Block/Accept FiltersFiltering by Recipient Email AddressThe BLOCK/ACCEPT-->Email Reci
4 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideConfiguring System IP Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Contro
Using the Block/Accept Filters40 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideNote: All messages, including those from whitelisted senders, go through attachm
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 41Using the Block/Accept FiltersFiltering by Body ContentsThe BLOCK/ACCEPT-->Body Filtering page
Backing Up and Restoring System Configuration42 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideBacking Up and Restoring System Configuration You can backup and
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 43Backing Up and Restoring System ConfigurationRestoring System DataTo restore system configuration
Updating Spam and Virus Definitions Using Energize Updates44 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideUpdating Spam and Virus Definitions Using Energize U
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 45Customizing the Appearance of the Administration InterfaceCustomizing the Appearance of the Admini
Configuring Advanced Settings46 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideConfiguring Advanced SettingsThis section describes some of the expert settings a
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 47Configuring Advanced Settings3. Click Save Changes.Setting Email Protocol CheckingThe ADVANCED--&g
Configuring Advanced Settings48 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideSPF/Caller ID ConfigurationSender Policy Framework/ Microsoft Caller ID:SPF (Send
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 49Configuring Advanced SettingsConfiguring Message Rate ControlThe ADVANCED-->Rate Controls page
Contents 5Assigning Features to User Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Creating New User Accounts . . . . . .
Configuring Advanced Settings50 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s Guide2. Click Download Now. This button will be disabled if the Barracuda Spam Firewal
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 51Configuring Advanced SettingsSetting Up Clustered Environments The ADVANCED-->Clustering page l
Configuring Advanced Settings52 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideImplementing Single Sign-onThe ADVANCED-->Single Sign-On page lets you configu
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 53Configuring Advanced SettingsLocalizing the Spam SettingsThe ADVANCED-->Spam Rule Management pa
Managing and Configuring Domains54 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideManaging and Configuring DomainsThe DOMAINS-->Domain Manager page lets you
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 55Preventing Dictionary Attacks Using Barracuda MS Exchange Accelerator3. Click Save Changes.Prevent
Preventing Dictionary Attacks Using Barracuda MS Exchange Accelerator56 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s Guide3. Enter the required information for eac
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 57Replacing a Failed SystemReplacing a Failed SystemBefore you replace your Barracuda Spam Firewall,
Managing User Accounts58 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideTo limit the accounts displayed on this page, use any of the filters described in the fo
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 59Managing User AccountsAssigning Features to User AccountsThe USERS-->User Features page lets yo
6 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s Guide
Enabling SSL60 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideCreating New User AccountsThe USERS-->User Add/Update page lets you create new user accounts wi
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 61Enabling SSLWeb Interface HTTPS/SSL portThe SSL port used by the Barracuda Spam Firewall. Default
Customizing Non-Delivery Reports (NDRs)62 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideCustomizing Non-Delivery Reports (NDRs)The ADVANCED-->Bounce/NDR Mes
Chapter 3 Managing the Barracuda Spam Firewall 63TroubleshootingTroubleshootingThe ADVANCED-->Troubleshooting page provides various tools that h
Troubleshooting64 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s Guide
Chapter 4 Using the Barracuda Spam Firewall to Filter Your Emails 65Chapter 4 Using the Barracuda Spam Firewall to Filter Your EmailsThis chapter d
Using the Quarantine Interface66 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideUsing the Quarantine InterfaceAt the end of every quarantine summary report is a
Chapter 4 Using the Barracuda Spam Firewall to Filter Your Emails 67Using the Quarantine InterfaceManaging your Quarantine InboxAfter logging into
Changing your User Preferences68 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideChanging your User PreferencesAfter logging into the quarantine interface, selec
Chapter 4 Using the Barracuda Spam Firewall to Filter Your Emails 69Changing your User PreferencesEnabling and Disabling Spam Scanning of your Emai
Chapter 1 Introduction 7Chapter 1 IntroductionThis chapter provides an overview of the Barracuda Spam Firewall and includes the following topics:
Changing your User Preferences70 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideTo whitelist or blacklist senders, follow these steps:1. Go to the PREFERENCES--
Appendix A About Regular Expressions 71Appendix A About Regular ExpressionsThe Barracuda Spam Firewall lets you use regular expressions in many of
72 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideUsing Special Characters in ExpressionsThe following characters have a special meaning in regular expressions
Index 73IndexAAccount View page 57accounts, activating for individuals 49accounts, creating 60activating individual accounts 49administration interf
74 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideFfailed system, replacing 57file attachmentsblocking 39quarantining 40file extensionsblocking 39qaurantining
Index 75RRAID 10Rate Control page 49RBLs 36regular expressions, about 71removing Barracuda headers 48replacing failed system 57RESET button, using 3
76 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s Guide
Overview8 Barracuda Spam Firewall User’s GuideThe following figure shows each of these defense layers in action.Energize Updates Minimize Administrat
Chapter 1 Introduction 9OverviewThe following figure shows how Barracuda Central provides the latest spam and virus definitions through the Energiz
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