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Administrators Guide
Barracuda Backup Service
Barracuda Networks Technical Documentation
Version 4.0
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 68 69

Shrnutí obsahu

Strany 1 - Barracuda Backup Service

RECLAIM YOUR NETWORK™Administrator’s GuideBarracuda Backup ServiceBarracuda Networks Technical DocumentationVersion 4.0

Strany 2 - Trademarks

8 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideInterfacesThere are three administrative interfaces to the Barracuda Backup Service:• The hosted

Strany 3 - Contents

Backup Deployment Options 9Chapter 2Backup Deployment OptionsThis chapter describes the Barracuda Backup Service deployment options. It includes th

Strany 4

10 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideDeployment Options OverviewThe Barracuda Backup Service includes a full local data backup, which

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Backup Deployment Options 11Deployment OptionsIn all deployment scenarios, the Barracuda Backup Server is positioned between the firewall and the s

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12 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideFigure 2.2: Site-to-Site ReplicationFigure 2.3 shows the Barracuda Backup Server located in a ne

Strany 7 - Introduction

Backup Deployment Options 13Figure 2.4: Site-to-Site Deployment

Strany 8 - Rate Limit

14 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s Guide

Strany 9 - Introduction 7

Getting Started 15Chapter 3Getting StartedUse this chapter as a guide to installing your Barracuda Backup Servers and linking them to the Barracuda

Strany 10 - Interfaces

16 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideInstallationBefore installing your Barracuda Backup Server, verify that you have the necessary e

Strany 11 - Backup Deployment Options

Getting Started 174.Enter the IP Address, Netmask, Default Gateway, Primary DNS Server and Secondary DNS Server (optional) as appropriate for your

Strany 12 - Deployment Options Overview

Copyright NoticeCopyright 2004-2011, Barracuda Networkswww.barracuda.comv4.0-110630-01-0630All rights reserved. Use of this product and this manual is

Strany 13 - Deployment Options

18 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s Guide

Strany 14

Configuring Backups 19Chapter 4Configuring BackupsThis chapter describes how to configure backups of your data. Overview of Backup Configuration ..

Strany 15 - Site-to-Site Deployment

20 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideOverview of Backup ConfigurationYou can configure where your data is backed up and in what manne

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Configuring Backups 21Microsoft Exchange uses transaction logging to commit new and changed data to the database, and to ensure that records of the

Strany 17 - Chapter 3

22 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideMessage-Level Backup: Microsoft Exchange and Novell GroupWise The Barracuda Backup Service conne

Strany 18 - Installation

Configuring Backups 23Steps to Backing Up DataPerform these tasks to configure your data to be backed up. 1. Identify the systems to be backed up.

Strany 19 - Creating an Account

24 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideStep 2: Selecting Type of Data to Back UpAfter a computer has been added, select the data source

Strany 20

Configuring Backups 25Step 3: Create Backup SchedulesNow that you have configured your computers and data sources, you can create backup schedules,

Strany 21 - Configuring Backups

26 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideStep 5: Modify Your Back Up Rate Limit (Optional)Rate limits control the rate that data is repli

Strany 22 - Options for Backing Up Data

Configuring Backups 27Step 7: Create Rules Watch Important Backup Files (Optional)File watch rules are used to monitor and send email alerts when s

Strany 23 - Windows System State Backup

1ContentsChapter 1 – Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Features of the Barracuda Backup Service. . . . . . . .

Strany 24 - Other File Systems

28 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s Guide

Strany 25 - Steps to Backing Up Data

Site-to-Site Replication 29Chapter 5Site-to-Site ReplicationThis chapter describes how you can configure one or more Barracuda Backup Servers to ba

Strany 26 - Directory Based File Shares

30 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideOnce a destination has been added, it will appear in the Sending Data To table. If it shows as o

Strany 27 - Retention Policies

Restoring Data 31Chapter 6 Restoring DataThis chapter covers tools and procedures for restoring backed-up data.Restoring Data Backed up by the Barr

Strany 28

32 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideRestoring from Local and Offsite BackupsData can be restored from the local Barracuda Backup Ser

Strany 29 - Step 8: Check Backup Reports

Restoring Data 33Restoring file share data from the Web interface works well when you only need to restore a few documents, as only one document ca

Strany 30

34 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideRefer to the Barraucuda Networks Knowledgebase Solution “How to use the Recovery Storage group f

Strany 31 - Site-to-Site Replication

Restoring Data 35For instructions for restoring System State for a Microsoft Windows 2003 server, refer to the Barraucuda Networks Knowledgebase So

Strany 32

36 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideUsing FTP An FTP client can be used to restore data securely and quickly. This is not for data

Strany 33 - Restoring Data

Restoring Data 37and directory shares that are deployed on the Barracuda Backup Server. The data files that can be restored are located within each

Strany 34 - Interface

2 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideDirectory Based File Shares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Strany 35

38 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s Guide

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Securing Your Backups 39Chapter 7Securing Your BackupsThis chapter provides an overview of the security features of the Barracuda Backup Service an

Strany 37 - Using FTPES

40 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideBarracuda Backup Service SecurityThe Barracuda Backup Server is deployed behind your corporate f

Strany 38 - Using FTP

Securing Your Backups 41As your data is transmitted to the remote Barracuda Backup Server, your symmetrically-encrypted data parts are compressed a

Strany 39 - Restoring Data 37

42 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideBarracuda Cloud Storage Standards and ProtectionStorage Facility StandardsBarracuda Networks lea

Strany 40

Securing Your Backups 43Backup Security and Site-to-Site ReplicationWhen using site-to-site replication, you need to ensure the physical security o

Strany 41 - Securing Your Backups

44 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuidePolicy-Based SecurityData retention policies allow you to specify the retention of selected file

Strany 42 - Encryption

Administering the Barracuda Backup Service 45Chapter 8Administering the Barracuda Backup ServiceThis chapter describes how to administer your Barra

Strany 43 - Securing Your Backups 41

46 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideAdministrative SettingsYour account with Barracuda Networks gives you access to the Barracuda Ba

Strany 44

Monitoring the Barracuda Backup Service 47Chapter 9Monitoring the Barracuda Backup ServiceThis chapter describes the management and monitoring task

Strany 45 - Securing Your Backups 43

3Verifying Your Barracuda Cloud Storage Service Plan Size. . . . . . . . . . . 46Chapter 9 – Monitoring the Barracuda Backup Service . . 4

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48 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideViewing Back Up StatisticsThe STATUS page provides an overview of the performance and health of

Strany 47 - Chapter 8

Monitoring the Barracuda Backup Service 49• Check retention policies to ensure that too much historic data is not being transferred.You can also ch

Strany 48 - Administrative Settings

50 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideShutting Down a Barracuda Backup ServerYou can remotely reboot or shut down a Barracuda Backup S

Strany 49 - Chapter 9

About the Hardware 51Appendix AAbout the HardwareHardware ComplianceThis section contains compliance information for the Barracuda Backup Service h

Strany 50 - Monitoring Backup Status

52 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s Guide

Strany 51 - Managing Email Notifications

Limited Warranty and License 53Appendix BLimited Warranty and LicenseBarracuda Networks Limited Hardware Warranty (v 2.1)Barracuda Networks, Inc.,

Strany 52 - Front Panel Indicator Lights


Strany 53 - About the Hardware

Limited Warranty and License 55the Software shall also be limited, as applicable and set forth in your purchase order or in Barracuda Networks&apos

Strany 54


Strany 55 - Limited Warranty and License

Limited Warranty and License 5711. Export Restrictions. You may not export or re-export the Software without: (a) the prior written consent of Barr

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4 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s Guide

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58 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s Guideat the time of activation and all renewals commence at the expiration of the previous valid subs

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Limited Warranty and License 59PreambleThe licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, t

Strany 59

60 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideYou may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option off

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Limited Warranty and License 61anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel,

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62 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s Guide9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public Li

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Limited Warranty and License 63Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following

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64 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s Guide Apache License Version 2.0, January 2

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Limited Warranty and License 653. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to Y

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66 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s Guide8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including ne

Strany 66

67Aaccount, definition 46Adding a computer for backup 20Administrator user type 46alerts and notifications 49alerts emails, watched files 27Alerts, ex

Strany 67

Introduction 5Chapter 1IntroductionThis chapter describes some of the features of the Barracuda Backup Service and the interfaces that you can use

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6 Barracuda Backup Service Administrator’s GuideFeatures of the Barracuda Backup ServiceThe Barracuda Backup Service provides a comprehensive way

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Introduction 7Microsoft Application Support The Barracuda Backup Agent provides the ability to back up these Microsoft server applications: Exchang

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